Candy Girl
Nome Alternativo: Candy Girl
1. Candy Girls 2. Panchira Ero Tenshi (Naughty Upskirt Angels) Story about two girls who flashes in a public train and victimized a passenger. 3. My Little Sister's Friend 4. Chinatsu no Umi (Chinatsu's Sea) About two cousins, a brief love shared, and the passage of time. 5. Tonari no Wakui-san (My Neighbor Wakui-san / The Wakui-san Next to Me) Wakui is a shy, reserved girl who just can't say no to anyone. Her classmate, Yokouchi, notices that she is constantly being taken advantage of by the other students because of this. One day, when Wakui is asked to take another student's place for cleaning duty, (Continua ... )
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